temporal title (Xerox Project)

Gotta have the Frank's hot sauce.

Friendship begins.

I got this idea by talking to a school counselor in the Wellness Center. I was drawing spirals on the whiteboard next to me when my brain was too fried to think (I study in the wellness, sometimes). It was just a way to flush myself and relieve some stress. But she came in to get water and saw the spirals and said that when she was seven, at her grandmother's house, she would imagine a spiral in her head. And she would trace around the spiral, headed towards the center, but never reaching the center. She would get distracted or would have to talk to someone or do something. But she felt that if she reached the center, there would be some answer that would reveal herself, to herself. The spiral, she said, became a kind of motif for her throughout her life. She would tell people about it and talk about it. But one day, her friend saw a spiral in the sand, and pointed it out to her. And at the center of the spiral was a happy face. "That is it!" she said to me. That life is about joy, and finding joy at the center. 
I wasn't actually sure about how that translated for her, but I made this in memory of that story. I see it as a kind of collective unity, working together to get to the center, which is joy. But that, even that, is a temporal thing. Hence the mandala and theme of impermanence. Also about how that philosophy cyclical-ness is fairly similar to Buddhism. The penny is about collecting the spread out chaos, far from the unified center, into 'one'.


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